16 March 2018
Renting your first apartment is not only an exciting event, but it can also be costly and slightly overwhelming. When you rent an apartment, you will need to call the utility companies to get your utilities turned on, and you may have a long list of other things to do. One of the other things you might have on your list is calling an insurance company to get renter's insurance. This is something tenants often skip doing but having renter's insurance is really important when renting an apartment.
27 February 2018
If you've been ordered to obtain SR22 insurance in Illinois, you probably want to find out exactly what it is, and how to get it. Below, you'll learn why SR22 is needed, how you can get it, and how you can transition into standard auto insurance again in the future. What is SR22? SR22 is proof of insurance for a very specific type of auto coverage. The state of Illinois can require for drivers to obtain SR22 coverage if they are a risk to themselves or others while on the road.