• Own A Business? 3 Reasons You Need Worker's Compensation Insurance

    11 August 2016

    If you own your own business, and you don't carry worker's compensation insurance, you could be putting yourself and your business at risk. Even if you operate a small mom-and-pop store, you should still invest in worker's compensation insurance. The following are three important reasons why you should. It's the Law If you don't have worker's compensation coverage for your employees, you could be breaking the law. Most states have their own requirements for how many employees you must have before you're required to carry worker's compensation.

  • 3 Tips For Affordable Car Insurance

    19 July 2016

    The amount you pay for car insurance is affected by a wide range of factors including your age, vehicle type, and driving record. Even if all of these factors are in your favor, the amount you are paying for your car insurance could still be higher than you would like. Here are a few tips that can help you get the best possible rate on your car insurance. Become a Discount Hunter

  • 5 Ways to Lower Your Homeowners Insurance

    21 July 2015

    Purchasing insurance in a necessity in the modern world in order to protect yourself from financial hardship in the event of an accident or disaster. One such type of insurance is called homeowner's insurance, or sometimes, hazard insurance. If you want to save money on your homeowner's insurance, all you have to do is follow these five simple steps to do it. Price Check The first step in saving money on your homeowner's insurance is to price check with several different companies.

  • Tips For Saving Money On Insurance When Adding A Teen Driver

    1 June 2015

    It's a well-known fact that adding a teen driver to your auto insurance policy can increase your monthly premiums. In fact, putting your teen on your policy could result in up to a 79 percent increase in what you're paying now, depending on where you live and who you're currently insured with. However, insuring your teen doesn't have to break the bank. Here are a few ways you can save money on your insurance premiums when you put your teenager on your policy.

  • 4 Things You Need To Know About SR-22s

    8 April 2015

    The most common reasons for being required by the court to provide an SR-22 are being convicted of driving while intoxicated (DUI), being found guilty of multiple traffic violations, or being involved in an accident where you are at fault while you are driving without insurance. Following are four things you should know about SR-22s if you have been ordered by the court to provide one: The SR-22 is Not Actual Insurance